Thursday, February 5, 2009

i loathe and i lurve


Tons of homeworks and other school stuffs are making me nerdy :B

→ Too much drama is annoying me

→ I loathe geometry

→ I loathe environmental science

→ I loathe Mr.Juarez my geom. teacher for giving me the 1st test which is i really don't know the answers and I got 5 out of ten

→ I loathe Mr. Vang my env. sci. teacher for assigning me to be the reporter for the day and I have no idea about the topic I was about to discuss It's my 1st day in their class (he and Mr. Juarez)

→ Mrs.Ward dropped my Algebra 1 and Earth Science

→ SHS don't have honor cards for Honor students:(

→ I will take summer school and not excited for summer coz of that damn geom. and env. sci. thingy

→ No more available slot for spanish 1

→ I loathe and dropped CAHSEE classes they're nonsense and boring class, except Mrs.Z's CAHSEE class

→ School is making me very very very busy and its tiring

→ I loathe most of my classes


→ I always stay on Mrs.Z's class during 1st and 2nd open period

→ I am an Honor student

→ Most of the time I am happy

→ I'm loving choir again:)

→ Mrs.Z is doing some of my HWs in Geometry, less work for me

→ I saw him gain:) after a month and a half

→ I lurve and loathe to be a sophomore

→ New addiction Myspace