Wednesday, December 3, 2008


Today is the day of the concert:) Thank God my voice is back. Its 4:34 pm and the weather outside is foggy and very cold. My dad picked me up late at school and told me a very shocking news. Our house were opened by a 2 bad guys and they tried to steal our PC, HDTV, and more appliances. This is the story: My dad was here at 10:00am and there this 2 black guys knocking and knocking on our door, then my dad didn't open it. Then the 2 guys left, maybe they noticed that there's no one inside the house but actually my dad is inside watching tv. Then here they come again. They hit our door bell twice then they to go to the parking lot and they start breaking the window and the screen of the Master's bedroom. And my dad heared it, Then he quietly walked outside the house and rushing to the office of this hell like neighborhood og black and mexican people. Then he reported it ti the management, and they correspond. And the 2 guys were caught in the act bringing our stuffs outside the house and loading it to their pick-up. And the maintainance hold them up and called the police officer. The police send the 2 bad guys to jail:)


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