- eya
- ria
- ria
- best-ey
** 3 most important dates in your life..
- Mar.29
- dec.25
- dec.11 and many many more:)
** 3 things you've done in the last 33 minutes..
- net
- net
- net
- net
- net
** 3 ways to be happy..
- net
- love
- love
- laugh
** 3 of your favorite songs as of now..
- t-shirt
- if i were a boy
- hot n' cold
- if i were a boy
- hot n' cold
** 3 persons you miss..
- bestie
- pmac.
- jane, peck
- pmac.
- jane, peck
** 3 gifts you like to receive..
- laptop
- iphone
- money
- iphone
- money
** 3 of your favorite hobbies
- internet..
- tv
- itouch
** 3 places you want to go for vacation..
- EUROPE!!!!!
- philippines
- philippines
- ny
** 3 favorite restaurants..
- in and out
- me and ed's pizza
- yen ching
- me and ed's pizza
- yen ching
** 3 of your favorite drinks..
- water
- iced tEa
- starbucks
- starbucks
** 3 things found in your bag..
- binder
- notebooks..
- notebooks..
- pens
** 3 favorite colors..
- pink
- yellow
** top 3 hangouts..
- bahay..
- school..
- mall
3 foods you like so much..
- cali. maki
- pizza
- pasta
- pasta
** 3 attitudes you like..
- outgoing
- nice
- loud.
** 3 answers why you answered this survey..
- bored
- bored
- no choice
- bored
- no choice
** 3 reasons why you are busy these days..
- homework
- projects!!! (and yeah, i hate it.)
- projects!!! (and yeah, i hate it.)
- practice xa choir
** 3 important persons in your life..
- God
- parents
- parents
- friends
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